by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
Buying Rugs. (What To Look For.) Buying rugs makes many people nervous. Buyers are worried if what they are being told is true. Buyers are worried about being ripped off. Buyers are worried if they are making a smart purchase for their home. Those are valid...
by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
Rugs and Floods It seems that even though we do not have “floods” in San Diego like most areas of the U.S. do… we do have a high rate of water damage incidents coming from pipe breaks and leaks. The longer a rug remains wet the more likely it is to have dye migration...
by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
Hooked Rugs. Some Things To Watch For. Hooked rugs are a specialty craft found overseas and here in America. If you’ve ever done a little bit of needlepoint or other embroidery, you can envision the craft of latch hooking a rug also. They all fall into the same...
by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
‘Tis the Season. (For Rug Spills!) From Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s Eve, we get a boost in Rug 9-1-1 calls because of spills from red wine to soda to food to pet puddles. Here are some tips for your holiday “accidents.” RUG FIRST-AID TIPS Wool has a...
by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
Why Wool Is The Best Rug Fiber When anyone asks me the best type of rug to buy, I don’t choose a country, I choose a FIBER. And the best fiber to have a rug made out of is wool. A weaver crafting a wool rug by hand, one knot at a time: WOOL IS THE KING OF RUG FIBERS,...
by Blatchford's | Oct 12, 2018 | News
Moths, Carpet Beetles, And Silverfish. Protecting Rugs From Bugs. By: Lisa Wagner (NIRC Certified Rug Specialist and author of Hand woven rugs can last centuries when well cared for. However, when exposed to fiber-eating bugs, they can be destroyed...
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