Blatchford’s News
Read through our most recent news articles and learn how to solve some of the most common rug care issues our customers encounter or get answers to frequently asked questions. If you still have questions after reviewing our news page, please give us a call. We would be glad to answer your questions.
Emergency Steps to Save Your Rugs After a Flood
With heavy rains on the way, floods can happen fast, and if you own valuable rugs, quick action can make the difference between saving them or losing them.
Solutions To Fringe Frustrations
Sometimes fringe can cause angst. It gets eaten by a robot vacuum. Or eaten by a pet. Or you are simply tired of trying to make it look “tidy.” It is possible to HIDE fringe.
Cool Runner
Here is a gem of a runner that visited us for some care. This is a tribal weaving, looks to be northwest Persian, and it is from the early 1800’s.
Cool Rug Friday: Fette-Li Rug
When the pandemic and lockdowns began, and we lost our regular flow of visiting rug cleaning professionals coming to train and learn from us in San Diego, I began a weekly email to the industry called “Cool Rug Friday.”
Rug Chick in Today Home
Today Show article on rug care tips. Honored to be interviewed by the Today Show for an online article on rug care tips. Share with your friends if they can use some guidance on caring for
Every Rug Has A Story. What’s Yours?
What we love about rugs is that every one has a story. The story of how it was crafted. As an idea in a weaver’s mind, and then meticulously knotted for months,
Buying Rugs. (What To Look For.)
Buying rugs makes many people nervous. Buyers are worried if what they are being told is true. Buyers are worried about being ripped off. Buyers are worried if
Rugs and Floods
It seems that even though we do not have “floods” in San Diego like most areas of the U.S. do… we do have a high rate of water damage incidents coming from
Hooked Rugs. Some Things To Watch For.
Hooked rugs are a specialty craft found overseas and here in America. If you’ve ever done a little bit of needlepoint or other embroidery, you can envision the
‘Tis the Season. (For Rug Spills!)
From Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s Eve, we get a boost in Rug 9-1-1 calls because of spills from red wine to soda to food to pet puddles.
Why Wool Is The Best Rug Fiber
When anyone asks me the best type of rug to buy, I don’t choose a country, I choose a FIBER. And the best fiber to have a rug made out of is wool. A weaver crafting a
Moths, Carpet Beetles, And Silverfish. Protecting Rugs From Bugs.
By: Lisa Wagner (NIRC Certified Rug Specialist and author of Hand woven rugs can last centuries when well cared for. However, when exposed
A 16th century masterpiece, considered as one of the two greatest Persian rugs in existence, can be viewed this summer at the Los Angeles